With the recent supply chain challenges emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies are looking to robotics for support. MHI confirmed in a survey this year that acquiring and retaining employees continues to be one of the top challenges as well as other…
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The Changing Landscape of Businesses in Europe
In recent years, Europe has seen a number of changes and developments in its supply chain industry. From advancements in technology to shifts in consumer demand, these trends are having a significant impact on the way that businesses operate and compete. One of the biggest…
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Trends Transforming the Supply Chain Industry in 2023
As the world continues to define what the “new normal” looks like nearly three years after a global pandemic, companies are also revisiting and redefining what “normal” even looks like in their own supply chains. It is no secret that the COVID-19 outbreak shook supply…
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How Effective Testing Strategies Can Ultimately Grow Your People While Delivering a Successful WMS Implementation
Recently, we’ve seen the economic impacts of UK’s Mini Budget; with food prices increasing, prices at the pump surging, worker shortages in key sectors, and rising mortgage rates. These economic impacts have allowed us to see first-hand the adverse effects of not having a strategic…
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Prepare to Conquer Peak Season
With the upcoming holiday season, many businesses are preparing for the surge in demand as consumers shop some of the biggest sales of the year. While peak season can improve a company’s profitability, it can be make or break depending on their operation’s capability to…
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How Drones Can Help Your Warehouse Take Flight
While the thought of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), or autonomous drones is typically associated with revolutionary drone delivery from companies like Amazon and Walmart, there is another functionality for drones in companies supply chains. Warehouse operations has many needs for fast and reliable movements outside…
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Modex 2022: The Supply Chain Evolution
Modex 2022 was an eye-opening experience this year. With Covid impacting the ability to have the conference in person last year, made it even more evident of how much the supply chain industry is evolving. We wanted to share our main takeaways from Modex 2022…
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Long Tail Demand – Boon or a Curse
In my experience working on inventory optimization with multiple companies, the Pareto or 80/20 rule has been commonly followed for inventory classification. Organizations have dedicated resources and budget to focus on the top 20% of their products to drive 80% of their revenue. In doing…
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Middle Mile Optimization and Supply Chain Design
In my previous blog post I discussed middle mile optimization from a very high level and underscored the importance of looking at the problem from a strategic, tactical, and operational level. In this post, I delve into the strategic aspect focusing on supply chain design…
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Reading Missed Signals to Build a Resilient Supply Chain
It is my position that years of cost reduction strategies have led to fragile supply chains and the COVID-19 pandemic only acted as a catalyst to the global disruptions we are currently experiencing. Various signals have been missed by organizations to make their supply chains…
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